The Trees Speak to Me
Tall and skinny, short and thick, bald and nubby, colorful and always intriguing, trees come in every shape and size. Branches reach for the sky and twist in the wind as roots dig into the earth. Leaves sprout and fall punctuating the change of seasons and filter the air we breathe. Planted by the hand of man but more often sprout by the randomness of the wind, yet they grow against all odds. Without trees there is no life.
Bald Cypress in Caddo Lake - Uncertain, Texas
This collection was born from my observations through car windows, in quiet moments sitting at the water’s edge; and many walks into forests far away from my home. Nature photography in its purest form offers a pause from the noise of my daily routine and allows me to explore and create without an agenda.
Inspire curiosity, wander often, and listen to nature (and in my case) through an open lens.
Beech tree forest in northern Basque Country
An image of an old forest of Beech trees with brightly colored orange leaves dangling from its limbs enticed me to travel to a little corner of the world known as Basque Country…it seems kind of crazy to travel so far away to find this forest but I did at the end of October 2019, my last international trip right before the world came to a screeching halt because of Covid. The leaves carpeted the forest floor a few weeks too early so I did not see the forest fully immersed in its autumn colors but as I walked through this old growth forest I found my way across a flowing stream which felt surreal and enchanting maybe even a tad fairytale-ish. But to stand among these magnificent trees is something that I’ll not soon forget.
Live Oak in Travis County
Backroads a little closer to home often provide me with opportunities to explore lesser traveled routes. Some of my favorite trees will go unnoticed by the ranchers and farmers that pass them daily without a second glance.
Trees make our lives better and as a photographic subject each brings artistry and personality if just one person notices. I bet you have a favorite tree that marks a special place or one that caught your eye as you were passing by it. Slow down, turn around and savor its beauty.
I was recently invited to exhibit my collection of trees in a solo exhibition at the Cultural Activities Center in Temple, Texas. The exhibit will run August 5 - September 16. The video below will show a sampling of the exhibition.